Root Canal Treatment in Marrickville

Our team is very experienced in providing root canal therapy. Rotary technique is employed which provides a fast and pain free experience. Root canal therapy has traditionally been performed over three visits and sometimes this is still necessary. However, often a single visit or two visit treatment can be performed with the same result in many cases. We perform root canal therapy at a high standard under rubber dam and we can save teeth that you thought you probably needed removed.

Following root canal therapy a crown is sometimes required to properly restore the form and function of the tooth. We will advise if this is necessary.

What is root canal therapy?

Root canal therapy is the cleaning, shaping and filling of the inside of a tooth which has become infected.

When is it required?

  • – When a tooth has become infected due to tooth decay which has progressed deep into a tooth
  • – When the pulp of a tooth is very inflamed and causing pain due to infection, trauma, tooth wear or advanced gum disease
  • – When a tooth has lost so much tooth structure due to infection, wear or trauma that restoration of the tooth is not possible without root canal therapy

Your Dentist will advise whether you need root canal therapy and answer any other questions you may have.